Forwarding along...
It’s #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth! It’s also #maternalmentalhealthweek! So us Perinatal Mental Health Therapists, we’ve come together from North Carolina, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Washington, DC to invite you to our virtual round table discussion live!! You can participate with us on Thursday from 12pm-1pm EST here on Facebook or via Zoom. We will be discussing the following:
1.) What are some perinatal mental health resources for moms right now?
2.) What are some mental health challenges that Black moms are facing right now?
3.) What are some challenges that perinatal therapists are facing right now?
4.) What are gaps in services that are being overlooked?
5.) There is some awareness being raised about maternal mental health in women of color by celebrities? Does this translate to the everyday woman?
And more...
Providential Counseling & Consulting Services, PLLC
Me and My Doula
Dr. Kristy Christopher-Holloway
New Vision Counseling Center, LLC
Black Angel Mom
Growing Well, LLC Individual and Couples Counseling
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 851 5285 4926
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