In my experience, dedicated Space is a HUGE problem, and here are some thoughts that might be of value as you move forward.
The keys to a thriving Centering Implementation according to Gena Novack's Research includes the presence of three things:
* Inviting and private Group Space
* Administrative support (Ideally someone active and committed on the Steering Committee
* A passionate Cheerleader for Centering.
I heard Gena talk and got this from a presentation at ACNM, BUT believe the data might be found in one of Gena's articles in our Bibliography.
I think this is the one. Question: Have I seen a change in space make a difference in enrollment/retention
I cannot say that directly, but I have heard patients say they didn't like group because the space was not private enough.
Or the space was too small, and they didn't like being "so close"to other people .
These are NOT the only issues that impact enrollment and retention, but they can make a difference.
I will ask the Office Managers on my discussion call next month..
In the meantime...
So what does "dedicated group space" give to a site? Some thoughts - I would love to hear what others experience is!
1. Staff does not need to set up every group
2. Staff does not have to transport supplies and equipment
3. Space is always available for Centering so
* Groups can easily be added when enrollment bumps up unexpectedy
* Groups are not BUMPED for other activities
(Happens so often in some sites - shows a lack of knowledge about Centering
4. 5. It shows an Administrative commitment to Centering and this is very reassuring to staff
6. Patients feel special in a comfortable room that they can count on being where they will get care
7. Staff and providers are proud of the comfortable and private space and can relax and welcome patients without apology.
8. The general positivity of the space will help the group relax and feel more comfortable in the space..
9. Centering is more sustainable when there is a dedicated space.
Add your thoughts...
I have also experienced some of the finest Centering in a small space that is not dedicated, but believe it takes a stronger intention and commitment to bringing
good energy to the space .
Thoughts.... ??